So you want to know more about me, cool :)

Here is more about my story

Do you know that friend everybody calls when something is wrong with their computer, phone, tv, etc.? Exactly, it's me. I've always loved technology and I can say I've been rebooting fixing all this stuff since I was almost 12 years old. I really enjoyed customizing my old android phones, changing some custom ROM...

So what really pushed me to learn coding was mobile apps, so in 2018, I started a multi-platform development degree where I learnt Java/Android, web basics (HTML, CSS, JS), SQL and Ionic with Angular mainly.

However, I quickly switched to web development as soon as I started working with Laravel. I really fell in love with the framework and it's ecosystem so I started to specialize in Laravel (special mention to Laracasts 🔥).

At this moment, I'd say my main stack is using Laravel for backend, and Vue/React for frontend (or Inertia JS with Laravel if I don't need an API). Although it's not what I do daily, I also feel confortable with Electron JS and React Native. The next step in my learning roadmap is to start working with Flutter and create my own mobile apps.

I really like well designed webs and apps, I think design is almost as important as performance so I like to take a special care with details.

I'm currently working at Airzone España where I help improving our own software, from e-commerce to managing our company data like users, employees, etc. I've learnt (and currently learning) a lot about microservices and DDD during this time.

These are the technologies I usually work with.
Laravel / Inertia
Vue / Nuxt
React / Next
Tailwind CSS
Electron JS
React Native
Where I have worked and currently working.
Airzone España
March 2021 to present
I am working as full-stack developer, using Laravel for backend and Vue for frontend. We work on a dockerized microservices environment, which provides data to a Vue app. Also working with RabbitMQ for communication between microservices.
February 2019 to March 2021
Mainly software and web development, using Laravel as a base in most projects. In some cases the whole project is based on Laravel, in others I have used Vue inside Laravel and in others I used Vue consuming an API made with Laravel. I have also worked, although very little with Ionic.
A brief review of my studies.
Cross-platform application development
IES Campanillas - 2018/2020
IES Juan de la Cierva - 2015/2018